On-Campus Info: Networking, Night Life, Bus to Fab Lab

Conference Locations:

Registration, Lunch, All Panels, Data Praxis Workshop + Keynotes:
Levis Faculty Center, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
919 W Illinois St, Urbana, IL.

Civic Lab for Environmental Action Research (CLEAR) Workshop – Part 1 + 2:
Champaign-Urbana Fab Lab, 1301 South Goodwin Avenue, Art Annex 2, Urbana, IL.

Directions to CU Fab Lab from Levis Faculty Center.

Networking Info:

Getting Online on Illinois Guest Network: https://answers.uillinois.edu/illinois/page.php?id=54518

Hashtags for Conference: #SeeingSystemsUIUC #InterdisciplinaryEncounters2017


Night Life/Afterhours

All Weekend

STUDIODANCE I: https://krannertcenter.com/events/studiodance-i

Films: http://www.arttheater.coop/

Bowling Billiard Games, Illini Union Rec Room: http://union.illinois.edu/see-and-do/fun/illini-union-rec-room

Bloc Gallery – Room 114 A+D Building, 408 E. Peabody Drive, Champaign, IL 61820:  Exhibition of MFA Student Artwork, Co-curated by Graduate Students in Art History

Thursday, March 9

6:00-9:00 PM. free workshop led by local artist Alejandra Carillo akiceri@gmail.com (MFA Metals, School of Art + Design, UIUC). Architecture Annex Building, Room 221, 1208 W Peabody St. Urbana, IL 61801                                      

In this Political“Huipil” (a traditional blouse in indigenous southern Mexico) we will be collectively creating artistic plastic miniature huipiles. It is focused on creating a community to share our migrations stories, frustrations, and concerns during the current political climate we are facing. The intent is to open up conversations of difficult topics such as migration, racism and gender inequality. All genders, races, ethnicities, religions, ages, and sexualities welcome. No art background needed, only open hearts and minds. Refreshments and materials will be provided.


Friday, March 10

7:00-8:00 pm, Prairie Skies: http://www.visitchampaigncounty.org/events/detail/1638/%22prairie-skies%22/33060

7:00 pm, Manifesto: https://illinois.edu/blog/view/6367/467706

7:00-8:30 pm, Sufi Music & Meditation with Ahl-e Qulub: http://cwm.illinois.edu/node/1611

7:30-9:30 pm, Ice Skating at the Ice Arena: https://campusrec.illinois.edu/programs/ice-skating/public-skating/

9:00-10:00 pm, Engineering Open House Presents: Tesla Coil Concert, Bardeen Quad, UIUC: https://www.facebook.com/events/206352956512604/

Bowling Billiard Games, Illini Union Rec Room: http://union.illinois.edu/see-and-do/fun/illini-union-rec-room

10:00 pm, Dance for People with Parkinson’s: http://illinois.edu/calendar/detail/597?eventId=33259127&calMin=201703&cal=20170302&skinId=13799

10:00 pm- 2:00 am: Rod Tuffcurls and the Bench Press: http://www.visitchampaigncounty.org/events/detail/1892/rod-tuffcurls-and-the-bench-press/34193

Saturday, March 11

Bowling Billiard Games, Illini Union Rec Room: http://union.illinois.edu/see-and-do/fun/illini-union-rec-room

Elijah, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts: http://www.visitchampaigncounty.org/events/detail/1886/elijah/34186

9:00 pm on,  SUN STEREO w/ Caleb Cook Band + Hot Hand Luke & The Sound: http://www.visitchampaigncounty.org/events/detail/1876/sun-stereo/34158 and https://www.facebook.com/events/1818948151692149

9:00 pm, Little Urbanite Dance Party: http://www.citycenterchampaign.com/event/1440078-little-urbanite-uiuc-champaign/

9:00 pm on, SUNSET w/Mote & Unknown Pleasures : Cowboy Monkey: http://www.cowboy-monkey.com and https://www.facebook.com/events/1323201067740132/

9:30 pm, Milk N Cooks : Canopy Club: http://centralillinoisentertainment.com/venue1?choose_venue=canopy+club

Keynotes: March 10 + 11


Jenny Reardon, Sociology and Science & Justice Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz. Title TBA.

Jenny Reardon is Professor of Sociology and Faculty Affiliate in the Center for Biomolecular Science and Engineering at UC Santa Cruz. She founded and directs the Science and Justice Research Center at UCSC. She is the author of Race to the Finish: Identity and Governance in an Age of Genomics (Princeton University Press, 2005) and is currently working on a second book manuscript entitled The Postgenomic Condition: Ethics, Justice, Knowledge After the Genome (forthcoming with Chicago University Press).


Max Liboiron, Memorial University, Newfoundland and Civic Lab for Environmental Action Research (CLEAR) – “Critical Methods: Lessons from a Feminist Science and Technology Lab”

Max Liboiron is a scholar, activist, and artist. She is an Assistant Professor in Geography at Memorial University of Newfoundland, where she directs Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research (CLEAR), a feminist marine science and technology laboratory that specializes in citizen science and grassroots environmental monitoring of plastic pollution. Her academic work focuses on how invisible yet harmful emerging phenomena such as toxicants from marine plastics become apparent in science and activism, and how these methods of representation relate to action. Liboiron also runs Discard Studies, an interdisciplinary hub for research on waste and wasting. Prior to her position at Memorial, Liboiron was a Postdoctoral Fellow with both the Social Science Environmental Health Research Institute at Northeastern University and with Intel’s Science and Technology Centre for Social Computing. She holds a Ph.D. in Media, Culture, and Communication from New York University.

Seeing Systems 2016 Cohort at 4S Barcelona!


See full photo set here.


And here’s what we were up to:

THURS, Sept. 1

9AM – Track 057 Non-conforming bodies: an exploration of public health knowledge, practice and technologies beyond ‘the body’  – Room 125 (http://www.nomadit.co.uk/easst/easst_4s2016/panels.php5?PanelID=3962)

  • Lilah Leopold’s paper: “Between Desert and Tundra: Nutritional Realities of the Svalbard Vault”

12:30-2PM  #democraciarealya: Hacktivism and Networked Techno-politics in Spain, Room 111. http://www.nomadit.co.uk/easst/easst_4s2016/panels.php5?PanelID=4740

  • Anita Chan: Organizer

12.45-13.45PM: Making Sense of our 4S Experiences: An hour for Connecting and Reflecting Together — How have I come to be someone who would attend 4S/EASST at this time?, Room 123 – http://www.nomadit.co.uk/easst/easst_4s2016/panels.php5?PanelID=4778

  • elizaBeth Simpson: Organizer

2PM: T110, “What does it mean to be Human in the 21st Century?”, Room M214 http://www.nomadit.co.uk/easst/easst_4s2016/panels.php5?PanelID=4036

  • Beth Strickland’s paper: “Implantable Brain Technologies and The Creation of Cyborgs” 

2PM: T008: Smart eco-cities: experimenting with new urban futures, Room: M220-M219. http://www.nomadit.co.uk/easst/easst_4s2016/panels.php5?PanelID=3863

  • Chamee Yang’s paper: “From Tidal Flats to a Smart City: Reassembling Songdo Using ANT Approach”

6PM Open Thursdays at El Hangar Visual Arts Center (Emilia Coranty 16, 08018 Barcelona, https://hangar.org/en/) – http://www.sts2016bcn.org/demo-night-an-evening-of-platforms-prototypes-and-multimedia-experiments-in-action/

  • Anita Chan: Organizer

FRI, Sept. 2

12.45-13.45PM: Making Sense of our 4S Experiences: An hour for Connecting and Reflecting Together — How have I come to be someone who would attend 4S/EASST at this time? Part2, Room 123. http://www.nomadit.co.uk/easst/easst_4s2016/panels.php5?PanelID=4779

  • elizaBeth Simpson : Organizer

9PM: STS Verbena/Banquet – http://www.sts2016bcn.org/sts-verbena/

SAT, Sept. 3

9A T114 – Innovation, Economic Driver, Disruption: Utopias and Critiques of Making and Hacking, Room 130 (http://www.nomadit.co.uk/easst/easst_4s2016/panels.php5?PanelID=4045.

  • Anita Chan. Organizer and Paper presenter: “Hacking New Global Orders: Local Startup Networks and Re-scaling Innovation Ecologies in New Millennial Ecuador

4PM: T054 – Digital subjectivities in the global context: new technologies of the self”, room 113: http://www.nomadit.co.uk/easst/easst_4s2016/panels.php5?PanelID=3951

  • Mike Atienza’s paper: “Intimacies in Collaborative Survival: Gay Geolocative Dating Apps in Manila

6-9PM — Demo Night: An Evening of Platforms, Prototypes, and Multi-media Experiments in Action, at El Hangar Visual Arts Center (Emilia Coranty 16, 08018 Barcelona, https://hangar.org/en/) – http://www.sts2016bcn.org/demo-night-an-evening-of-platforms-prototypes-and-multimedia-experiments-in-action/  

  • Anita Chan: Organizer

The Transborder Immigrant Tool Project: revisiting its materiality

Johanna Drucker in her article “Performative Materiality and theoretical Approaches to Interface” addresses the gap created in the study of systems and technologies from their materiality, specifically she focus on how digital technology has been described as immaterial medium. She also looks at what is lost in terms of critical theory when a digital device is understood as disembodied, as fungible. Druker’s article specifically address three issues: 1) “The desire to shift discussions of materiality towards a performative model” 2) “a recuperation into digital humanities of mainstream principles of critical theory on which this model is based” 3) and she also offers “some thoughts on how we might move toward integrating this model and critical principles into a model of humanistic interface design”

In Drucker’s article the author argues that materiality is an essential operation and identity of digital media and that materiality “is has to be understood in terms of what it does, how it works within machinic, systemic, and cultural domains”. This description moves beyond “forensic materiality” which focuses on the study of the evidence of a technology, such as physical traces (e.g. ink, fingerprints) or the “formal elements” of it, such as the organization of the layout, and also it moves forward from a perspective of “distributed materiality”, which puts emphasis in the different layers of interdependence of a system which restrict the understanding of a technology and its singularities.

For Drucker, performative materiality “shifts the emphasis from acknowledgement of an attention to material conditions and structures toward analysis of the production of a text, program, or other interpretative even”. To understand materiality as a performative act pushes us to think of what is produced through the technology in relation to the use of it. It assumes that there is a creative process that is singular in relation to the user/counterparty and its interpretation is based on singular contexts. Therefore, the materiality of a digital technology produces one of a kind result that might be in the range of electrical responses to the production of emotions. This also pushes us to think that the interpretive process is based on “inter-relations, dependencies, contingencies, and circumstances” which brings back the historical context of technologies and its politics as central to the understanding of its performance. By looking at the materiality we are force to look at its politics, while the analysis of a disembodied technology allows it to be innocuous and politically disconnected.

In the case of the “Transborder immigrant tool project” (TBITP) that we discussed last week, there were some interesting points made regarding its agenda and the effects of it, questions like if this was a project that was meant to be an artistic performance or an intervention in the field-through the immigration path in the border between the U.S. and Mexico, place on the table issues of materiality that Drucker address in her article.

The first time I learned about the TBITP it was in San Diego at the Museum of Contemporary Art in San Diego, there in the middle of a room there was a Motorola i455 and a small description of what it did. After that encounter I started to do some research about the artifact that lead me to understand the phone as a political tool of resistance, humanitarian action and until certain point bizarre sense of humor in the context of immigration in the US. The materiality of the project in my case was performed by means of my knowledge and personal context that helped me to understand immigration issues in a very different context than an immigration officer or a migrant who uses Mexico as its entry point. The design of the software or the look of the application was something I didn’t have access to, but still was something that I considered, though at that point the political load of the artifact made me forget about part of its design. As well as, I don’t think that I ever thought of this tool as a piece of performative art, but I always focused on the artifact and its technological development. Having Drucker’s perspective in mind, I think it helps me to look at the artifact in a broader context, but at the same time to reflect of the personal performance between the artifact and my own personal context, and how meaning, relevance, artistic value gets added or lost in the translation process (interaction with the technology).