* Friday-Saturday March 10-11, 2017
Registration, Breakfast/Lunch, Presentations and Workshops
Levis Faculty Center, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
919 W Illinois St, Urbana, IL 61801
Max Liboiron Workshop
CU Fab Lab, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
DAY 1 – Friday March 10th
8:30-9A: Onsite Registration
9-9:15A: Welcome Remarks
9:15-9:30A: Icebreaker Exercise
9:45-11:45A: Data Carpentry Part 1 – with Andrea Thormer (School of Information Sciences, UIUC): A workshop for humanists and social scientists for learning skills for working with data. No experience – programming or otherwise – necessary! https://elfdickson.github.io/2016-09-28-dhprog/
12-1:15PM – Panel 1: Data Mutations/Data Vitalities: Bodies in the Circuit [Moderators: Krystal + Andrea]
- Lars Z. Mackenzie (UMN, Gender, Women, & Sexuality) “Data Anomalies: Transgender People, Fraud Detection and the Trouble with Authenticity.”
- Matthew Pitchford (UIUC, Communication) “The @Horse_Ebooks in the Machine: Virality and Socio-Technical Assemblage Online”
- Madison Van Oort (UMN, Sociology) “Fast Fashion Police: Data, Technology, + Retail Worker Monitoring”
- Madisson Whitman (Purdue, Anthropology) “Subscript Outside of Bounds”: Queering Tumblr Glitches
- Adriana Alvarado Garcia (Indiana U, Informatics) – “Designing Data Visualizations to Address Data-Related Challenges of Non-Profit Organizations”
1:30-2:30PM: Lunch
2:30-3:15P – Panel 2: Unruly Edges: Interventions in Techno-Scientific Histories [Moderators: Saniya + Anna]
- Isis Rose (Anthropology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: Informed Refusal: the Black Southern Midwife as Biodefector
- Ned Prutzer, Institution of Communications Research, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: On the Prairie: Science, Technology and the Human in Urbana-Champaign
- Bobby Edwards, History, University of California San Diego: In-Progress Dissertation on the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis: Issues in Decolonizing Historiography
- Ana Barahona, Evolutionary Biology, National Autonomous University of Mexico: Erasing Borders: Nuclear Physics, Genetics and Radiobiology in Mexico in the 1960s
- Katie P. Bruner, Communication, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: Algorithmic Art and “The Next Rembrandt”: Figurations of Culture and Capital
3:30-4:30 – Jenny Reardon – Keynote [TITLE NEEDED]
4:30-6:00P Scavenging Exercise Max — Location Site: CU Fab Lab
- Where to scavenge? you can do so in dumpster: containers for scooping – bodies for net — anything that can float — ropes and tape
- not fun if there’s only 1 person filtering – scavenging –> 4-8 people per group
- 1 location – break up into groups
- Meet at a central location/fab lab: coordinate groups loosely –> come back to Fab Lab at 5:30P
- 10-15 people – hit 3 hotspots – and then they come back // hit people’s local residences — backyards — dump sites
- Ask people to bring gloves // Wear clothes that a good to walk around in.
- 20 min. for set up [ethics that can be hashed out following talk] // 40 min. for collecting // come back 5:30P (collecting + discussion)
Karin Question: Engineering Open House ends on 4PM on Friday
DAY 2 – Saturday March 11th
8:30-11A: Max Workshop
- Sign up: Car Volunteers
- 3-4 people per group
- Start at the Fab Lab — lots of tables
- People build for 20 minutes
- Get to the water site (1 site selected): 15-20 minutes
- Up to 40 people // Race Street Boneyard Improvement Project [just north of Courier Cafe]
- Report back at the same site: Ampitheater space – big green area where people can sit + cluster
- Role of Dot + Karin: check in with the groups — encouragement
- Clean up: trash bag (back into a dumpster)
[Dot suggestion: could partner with Envison – engineering outreach club that has 3 mobile microscopes that you can attach to your ipad or iphone – very easy to use/ could do imaging of what you find on site – can upload photos to Dropbox to see pollution at different scales]
Question: Engineering Open House starts at 9A // Location Site: CU Fab Lab
Map of potential sites: Beth and Dot – Contact UNI + Prairie Rivers Network[
11:30-12:45A Panel 3: Seeing Natural + Social Systems [Moderator: Lilah + Beth S-B ]
- Ryan Alan Sporer, Sociology, University of Illinois Chicago: Seeing the Grid and Producing Knowledge to Go Off-Grid: The Non-Specialist’s Movement to Build Assemblages for Autonomy
- Keith Berman, Communication, (University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign, Resource landscapes: How LGBT Students Conceptualize Stress and Support in a University Setting
- Cindy Lin Kaiying (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, School of Information) Locating Postcolonial Moments: Harmonizing DIY drones, Scientists and Indonesian Makers
- Carolyn Huizar & Corey Huber (UIUC Communication) Seeking Help for Depression Among Elderly Latinos: Culturally Sensitive Strategies for Encouraging Treatment
- Megan Poole (The Pennsylvania State University, English) Augmented, Virtual, and Visual Reality Through a Feminist Lens
Lunch: 1-2P
2-3:15P Panel 4: Frictions in Creating/Making Culture [Moderators: Gabe + Saniya ]
- Diana Leon-Boys, Institute of Communications Research, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: Disney’s New Darkening: Elena of Avalor in the Digital Age
- Xi Rao, Humanities, Illinois Institute of Technology: Understanding Fans through their Love to “Strong Women”
- Michael Anthony DeAnda, Lewis College Department of Humanities, Illinois Institute of Technology: Bunk Buddies: The Titillating Gamification of Toxic Masculinity
- Jessica Ring, School of Journalism and Communication, Carleton University: Re-Tooling the Sisterhood: Locating Feminist Socio-Technical Communities in Canadian Tinkerspaces.
- Ramey Newell (University of Colorado Boulder, Critical Media Practices) “Insecta”: Filmic Discourse and Scientific Inquiry
3:30-4:15P: Workshops 1 + 2
4:30-5:30P: Keynote Address: Max Liboiron, Memorial University, Newfoundland – “Critical Methods: Lessons from a Feminist Science and Technology Lab”
Brainstorm + Wrapup: 5:30-6:00p